Potential Conference participants, please, send your Submission to:
Mrs. Yulia Gordova, Secretary of the Conference,
E-mail: cites@scert.ru
Tel.7 (3822) 492187, fax 7 (3822) 492537.
Your Submission should include:
1. Title
2. Authors (Principal author, which would present the paper, first)
3. Affiliation and Address for Each Author (Institution mailing address, telephone, fax, e-mail, Internet site)
4. Session chosen, paper status suggested
5. Russian authors are kindly asked to submit 1 page abstract in English and 4 pages report text in Russian (or 4 pages report text in English and 1 page short abstract in Russian). Foreign participants 4 pages report text only.
6. Confirmation of PhD student/early career scientist status.
Texts will be used by Program Committee for initial selection of participants and will be published in the event Proceedings.
Please prepare your submission in *.doc format
Submission DEADLINE: