Please, pay attention that the program is presented by Tomsk time (+4 hours to Moscow time)
Vladimir Krupchatnikov's reports are transferred from September 8 to 11.
September 7, 2020
Registration 12:30
Opening of the conference 12:55
13:00 Session 1. Monitoring of Climate Changes over Northern Eurasia. Chair Vladimir Krutikov (IMCES SB RAS)
13:00 Invited report
13:00-13:30 V.V. Zuev, E.S. Savelieva (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
The influence of Arctic sea ice loss on winter cooling in Northern Eurasia
13:30 Oral reports
13:30-13:45 Gorbatenko V.P. 1, Pustovalov K.N. 1, 2, Konstantinova D.A.1 (1NR TSU, 2IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Convective potential of the atmosphere of Western Siberia in a changing climate
13:45-14:00 Tartakovsky V.A., Cheredko N.N., and Maximov V.G. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Emergent properties of climatic system according to weather stations’ data in the Northern
14:00-14:15 Volkov Yu.V., Cheredko N.N., Tartakovsky V.A. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
The structure of the climatic classes of Eurasia during periods of different thermal regimes in the North Atlantic
14:15-14:30 Loginov S.V., Kharyutkina E.V., Moraru E.I., Zolotov S.Yu., Podnebesnykh N.V., Smirnov S.V. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Assessment of the influence of the steering current velocity on anomalous weather phenomena in the troposphere of the Northern hemisphere in modern climate conditions
14:30-14:45 Zuev S.V. 1, Krasnenko N.P. 1,2 (1IMCES SB RAS, 2TSUCSR, Tomsk)
Monitoring of cumulus clouds using global horizontal irradiance data 12:20 Краткие устные сообщения
14:45–15:05 Break
15:05-15:20 Natalia Viazilova (RIHMI-WDC, Obninsk), Alexandr E.Viazilov, RPA "Typhoon", Obninsk)
On climatology of storm cyclones entering European region of Russia
15:20-15:35 Zhuravsky V.Yu., Sukhonos O.Yu.,Voskresenskaya E.N. (Institute of natural and technical systems, Sevastopol)
Comparison of the anticyclone characteristics in the Black Sea region using to the NCEP / NCAR reanalysis and surface synoptic maps
15:35-15:50 Perevedentsev Yu.P.1, Sherstukov B.G.2, Guryanov V.V.1, Shantalinskii K.M.1, Auhadeev T.R.1 (1Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 2 RIHMI-WDC, Obninsk)
Climate and weather extremes in the Volga Federal District
15:50-16:05 Dmitry Belikov1, Naoko Saitoh1, Prabir K. Patra1,2, National Institute
for Environmental Studies and V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric
Optics observation team (1.Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University, Japan, 2.Research Institute for Global Change (RIGC), Japan Agency for
Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Yokohama, Japan
Study of greenhouse gases in Siberia using ground-based and satellite observations
16:05-16:20 Igor Esau and Victoria Miles ( Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre / Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway)
Surface urban heat islands in northern West Siberian cities derived from MODIS satellite data sets
16:20 20 Short oral reports
16:20-16:25 Yu.V. Martynova (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Special aspects of snow cover formation in Siberia
16:25-16:30 Sklyadneva T.K., Belan B.D., Ivlev G. A. (V.E. Zuev IAO SB RAS, Tomsk)
Relationship between ultraviolet radiation and total ozone content, cloudiness, aerosol optical depth and albedo of the underlying surface derived from the data of long-term measurements carried out in Tomsk
16:30-16:35 Sklyadneva T.K., Arshinov M.Yu., Belan B.D., Davydov D. K., Fofonov A.V. (V.E. Zuev IAO SB RAS, Tomsk)
The results of long-term ground-based measurements of the total solar radiation in West Siberia
16:35-16:40 Koshikova T.S. 1, Zhukova V.A. 1,2, Pustovalov K.N. 1,2, Kuzhevskaya I.V. 2, Nagorskiy P.M. 1,2 (1IMCES SB RAS, 2NR TSU, Tomsk)
Spatial distribution and features of genesis of mesoscale convective complexes over the south-east of Western Siberia
16:40-16:45 Oglezneva M.V. 1,2, Kalchikhin V.V. 1, Kobzev A.A. 1, Nagorskiy P.M. 1,2, Pustovalov K.N. 1,2 (1IMCES SB RAS, 2NR TSU, Tomsk)
The dynamics of the polar electrical conductivity of air in the surface layer of the atmosphere during the shower rain of various genesis (on the example of Tomsk)
16:45-16:50 Pustovalov K.N. 1,2, Nagorskiy P.M. 1,2, Oglesneva M.V. 1,2, Sazonov Ya.S. 1 (1IMCES SB RAS, 2NR TSU, Tomsk)
The electric field of the undisturbed atmosphere, its diurnal and seasonal variations in the southeast of Western Siberia: a case study on Tomsk city
16:50-16:55 Sidenko N.V., Panov А.V. (V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS, Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS”, Krasnoyarsk)
Climatic conditions of the arctic tundra in the estuary zone of the yenisei river: measurements at the atmospheric carbon observation station Dikson
16:55-17:00 Tomshin O.A., Solovyev V.S. (Yu.G. Shafer ICRA, Yakutsk)
Latitudinal trends of small-scale wildfires in Eastern Siberia observed by long-term satellite data
17:05-17:10 Matyukhina A.A. 1, Voropay N.N. 2,3 (1TSU, Tomsk, 2V.B. Sochava IG SB RAS, Irkutsk, 3IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Long-term dynamics of snow cover in the Baikal region
17:10- 17:15 Nazarov N.N., Frolova I.V. (Perm State University, Perm)
Development Perspectives of the Channel Processes in the Sylva River Basin
in the 21st Century (Kama basin)
17:15-17:20 Zhukov D.F. 2, Pustovalov K.N. 1,2, Koshikova T.S. 1, Oglezneva M.V. 1,2, Nagorskiy P.M. 1,2 (1IMCES SB RAS, 2NR TSU, Tomsk)
Variations of meteorological and atmospheric electric quantities under the influence of mesoscale convective systems using the example of the city of Tomsk
17:20 – 17:40 Break
17:40 Session 2. Climate and Weather Modeling. Chair Vasily Lykosov (G.I. Marchuk INM RAS, RCC MSU, Moscow center for fundamental and applied mathematics)
17:40 Lectures
17:40-18:40 Lykosov V.N. (G.I. Marchuk INM RAS, M.V. Lomonosov MSU, Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Moscow)
Current topics of parametrization of the processes of the atmosphere – land interaction in the Earth system models
18:40-19:40 Repina I.A. (A.M. Obukhov IAPh, Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, RCC M.V. Lomonosov MSU, Moscow)
Methods for determining turbulent fluxes in the atmospheric surface layer: measurement and parameterization
19:40 Invited report
19:40-20:10 Klaus Fraedrich (Max Planck Institute of Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany)
Analyzing land surface climates
September 8
Vladimir Krupchatnikov's reports are transferred from September 8 to 11.
13:00 Session 2. Climate and Weather Modeling. Chair Vasily Lykosov (G.I. Marchuk INM RAS, RCC MSU, Moscow center for fundamental and applied mathematics)
13:00 Oral report
13:00-13:15 Vladimir Romanovsky (Geophysical Institute UAF, Fairbanks, USA)
Recent and possible future changes in permafrost in Alaska
13:15 Lecture
13:15-14:15 Konstantinov P.I. (M.V. Lomonosov MSU, Moscow)
Recent achievements in human thermal comfort modeling in cities on the background of modern climate changes
14:15 Invited reports
14:15-14:45 Platov G.A., Golubeva E.N. (ICMMG, SB RAS, Novosibirsk)
Energy of mesoscale eddies in the marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean: results of numerical simulation
14:45-15:15 Golubeva E.N. (ICMMG, SB RAS, Novosibirsk)
"Sea heat waves" and their consequences for the Arctic Ocean
15:15 Oral reports
15:15-15:30 Platov G.A., Kraineva M.V., Golubeva E.N. (ICMMG SB RAS, Novosibirsk)
The main modes of the Arctic Ocean circulation and the relationship of their trends with the Atlantic water heat content
15:30-15:45 Golubeva E., Kraineva M., Platov G. (ICMMG SB RAS, Novosibirsk)
Simulation of the episodic near-bottom water warming in the Laptev Sea
15:45 –16:00 Break
16:00-16:15 Daria S. Gladskikh1,2,3, Evgeny V. Mortikov2,4, Victor M. Stepanenko2,3,4 (1 Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, 2Lomonosov MSU, Research Computing Center, 3Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, 4 Marchuk INM RAS, Moscow)
Numerical simulation of turbulent mixing and transport of biochemical substances in inland waters
16:15-16:30 Mortikov E.V. 1,2, Glazunov A.V. 2,1, Debolskiy A.V. 1,3, Kadantsev E.V. 4, Lykosov V.N. 2,1, Zilitinkevich S.S. 5,4,6,1 (1Lomonosov MSU, 2 Marchuk INM RAS, 3Obukhov IAPh, RAS, Moscow, 4University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 5Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland, 6Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
Parameterization of the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy in atmospheric and oceanic boundary layer models
16:30-16:45 Tkachenko E.V. 1, Debolskiy A.V. 1,2, Mortikov E.V. 1,3 (1Lomonosov MSU, 2Obukhov IAPh, RAS,, 3INM RAS, Moscow)
The analysis of the turbulent kinetic energy decay power law in atmospheric boundary layer model
16:45-17:00 Stepanenko V.M.1,2,3, Medvedev A.I.4,1,2, Debolskiy A.V.1,3,4, Gladskikh D.S.5,1,3, Mortikov E.V.1,3,6, Guseva S.P.7, Bogomolov V.Yu.8,3, Repina I.A.4,1,3, Lykosov V.N 6,1,3,9 (1Lomonosov MSU, RCC, 2Lomonosov MSU, Faculty of Geography, 3Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, 4Obukhov IAPh RAS, 5Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, 6Marchuk INM RAS, Moscow, Russia, 7Koblenz University, Landau, Germany, 8IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia, 9Lomonosov MSU, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow)
Representation of land water objects in the Earth system models
17:00-17:15 Bogomolov V.1,2, Dyukarev E.1,3, Stepanenko V.2,4 (1IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk, 2R CC, MSU, 3Yugra State University, Khanty-Mansiisk, 4Lomonosov MSU, Moscow)
Modeling temperature and humidity conditions of mineral soils in the active layer model, taking into account changes in the thermodynamic properties of the soil in depth
17:15 – 18:20 Break
18:20 Workshop on Weather and Climatic Extremes: Data, Analysis and Impact, WCEDAI
First meeting
September 9
13:00 Session 2. Climate and Weather Modeling. Chair Vasily Lykosov (G.I. Marchuk INM RAS, RCC MSU, Moscow center for fundamental and applied mathematics)
13:00 Short oral reports
13:00-13:05 Shikhov A.N., Abdullin R.K. (Perm State University, Perm)
Accuracy assessment of short-range forecast of heavy precipitations over the Kama river basin in 2019 with ICON and GFS atmospheric models
13:05-13:10 Varentsov A. I.1,2, Stepanenko V.M.3,1,2, Mortikov E.V.3,2, Konstantinov P.I.1 (1Lomonosov MSU, 2Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, 3Lomonosov MSU, RCC, Moscow)
Numerical simulation of particle transport in urban boundary layer
13:10-13:15 Bukin S.S. 1, Konstantinov P.I. 1,2, Riccardo Valentini1, Vasenev V.I. 1 (1RUDN University, Laboratory of smart technologies for sustainable development of urban environment under global changes,, 2 Lomonosov MSU, Moscow)
Assessment of the influence of various tree species and their parameters on the behavior of wind flows in urban environments (on the example of the RUDN University campus, Moscow)
13:15-13:20 Marchuk E.A. 1, Stepanenko V.M. 1,2 (1Lomonosov MSU, 2RCC Lomonosov MSU, Moscow)
Parameterization of snow accumulation processes under a canopy vegetation in the land model of the INM RAS – MSU
13:20-13:25 Nikolaeva E. 1, Kospanov A. 1, Bukin S. 2, Konstantinov P. 1,2 (1Lomonosov MSU, 2RUDN University, Laboratory of smart technologies for sustainable development of urban environment under global changes,, Moscow)
Microscale simulation of wind speed in urban areas during extreme weather events
13:25-13:30 Shikhov A.N.1, Chernokulsky A.V.2, Sherstyukov B.G.3, Kurgansky M.A.2, Kalinin N.A.1 and Bykov A.V.1 (1Perm State University, Perm ,2Obukhov IAPh RAS, Moscow, 3All-Russian hydro-meteorological information institute – World Data Center, Obninsk)
Environments and modelling of two destructive squalls (derechoes) in the European Russia in summer 2010
13:30-13:35 Vorotilova P.1, Konstantinov P.1,2 (1Lomonosov MSU, 2RUDN University, Laboratory of smart technologies for sustainable development of urban environment under global changes, Moscow)
Research of surface-based temperature inversions in Nadym according direct measurement and simulation
13:35-13:40 Drozdov E.D.1, Stepanenko V.M.2, 1, Voropay N.N. 3,4, Dyukarev E.A.3, Kokoreva A.A.5, Cherkashina A.A.4 (1Lomonosov MSU, Faculty of geography, 2RCC Lomonosov MSU, Moscow, 3IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk, 4Sochava IG SB RAS, Irkutsk, 5Lomonosov MSU, Faculty of soil science, Moscow)
Parameterization of the thermal conductivity of soil in the active land layer block of the INM RAS-MSU model
13:40-13:45 Medvedev A.1,2,3, Stepanenko V.2,1,4 (1Lomonosov MSU, 2RCC Lomonosov MSU, 3Obukhov IAPh RAS, 4Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Moscow)
The influence of the external parameters on river runoff in the INM RAS – MSU land surface model (case study of Severnaya Dvina river)
13:45-13:50 Yarinich Yu.I. 1,2, Varentsov M.I. 2,3,4, Platonov V.S. 1, Stepanenko V.M. 3,1 (1Lomonosov MSU, 2Obukhov IAPh RAS, 3RCC Lomonosov MSU, 4RF Hydrometeorological Research Center, Moscow)
Numerical simulation of intense precipitation in the Moscow region: a case study of heavy rainfall event on 30th June 2017
13:50-13:55 Bogomolov V.1,2, Dyukarev E.1,3, Stepanenko V.2,4 (1IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk, 2RCC Lomonosov MSU, Moscow, 3Yugra State University, Khanty-Mansiisk, 4Lomonosov MSU, Moscow)
Parameterization of wetlands water level in land surface model
13:55-14:00 Doktorov M.G., Botygin I.A. (TPU, INCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Time series analysis and forecasting using SSA
Vladimir A Alexeev, Alec P. Bennett (International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA)
Importance of High Quality Bathymetry for Prediction of Storm Surge
14:00 Session 3. Response of Terrestrial Ecosystems of Northern Eurasia to climate change. Chair Eugeniya Golovatskaya (IMCES SB RAS)
14:00 Invited report
14:00-14:30 Anatoly Shvidenko (IIASA, Austria)
Carbon budget of terrestrial ecosystems: findings, perspectives, delusions (on the example of the forests of Northern Eurasia)
14:30 Oral reports
14:30-14:45 Dyukarev E.A.1,2, Sabrekov A.Z.2,3, Glagolev M.V.2,3,4,5, Kiselev M.V.1, Filippov I.V.2, Lapshina E.D.2 (1IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk, , 2Yugra State University, Khanty-Mansiisk, 3Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Moscow, 4 Lomonosov MSU, Moscow, 5 Institute of Forest Science, Uspenskoe)
Assessment of emission and accumulation of greenhouse gases by peatland ecosystems in Nefteyugansky District in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Russia
14:45-15:00 Korotkova E.M., Zuev V.V. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Features of NDVI changes in the West Siberian Plain in the context of climate change
15:00-15:15 Kurina I.V., Blyakharchuk T.A. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Analysis of the surface wetness changes in mire Maly Labysh in the south of West Siberia during the last two millennia
15:30-15:50 Break
15:50-16:05 Belova M.N., Timoshok E.E., Timoshok E.N., Rayskaya Yu.G. ((IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Floristic diversity of vascular plants in the closed forests at the lower forest belt line of the Severo-Chuisky Range (Russian Altai)
16:05-16:20 Blyakharchuk T.A. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Dynamics of vegetation cover and quantitative paleoclimate reconstructions in Western Sayan mountains from Late Glacial to the present time according to palynological study
of Yuzhno-Buybinskoe mire
16:20-16:35 Gashkova L.P. (Siberian Institute of Agriculture and Peat - a branch of the Siberian Federal Scientific Center for Agrobiotechnology RAS, Tomsk)
Transformation of vegetable of bogs at different stages of pyrogen succession
16:35-16:50 Nikolaeva S.A., Savchuk D.A. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Dendroindication of hazardous natural events in the Severo-Chuisky Range (the Altai Mountains) for 300 years before the present
16:50-17:05 Preis Yu.I., Krutikov V.A., Polishchuk V.Yu. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Consistency of Iksinsky bog dynamics with extreme the Holocene climate events
17:05-17:20 Raiskaya Yu.G. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk, State nature reserve ‘Tungusskiy’, Krasnoyarsky Kray, Vanavara)
Ecological pecularities of Cypripedium calceolus L in the Southern Evenkia (‘Tungussky’ reserve)
17:20-17:25 Shuklina E.S. 1, Voropay N.N. 2,3 (1TSU, 2 IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk, 3 Sochava IG SB RAS, Irkutsk)
Influence of vegetation cover on temperature dynamics of sandy soil
17:25- 17:40 Break
17:40 Workshop on Weather and Climatic Extremes: Data, Analysis and Impact, WCEDAI
Second meeting
September 10
13:00 Session 3. Response of Terrestrial Ecosystems of Northern Eurasia to climate change. Chair Eugeniya Golovatskaya (IMCES SB RAS)
13:00 Oral reports
13:00-13:15 Timoshok E.N. , Timoshok E.E. , Raiskaya Yu.G. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Plant colonization of the yonng glatiofluvial deposits of the Severo-Chuiskiy glaciation center (Russian Altai) during the modern climate warming
13:15-13:30 Borodavko P.S. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Intrastructural transformation of static water resources of the Greater Altai in the postglacial time
13:30-13:45 Rubtsov A.V.1, Arzac А.1, Knorre A.A.2, Shashakin A.V.3, Benkova V.E.3, Vaganov E.A.1 (1SFU, Krasnoyarsk, 2National park “Krasnoyarsk Stolby”, 3 Sukachev IL, Krasnoyarsk)
Instrumental measurements of stem growth and stem sap flow rates of three conifer tree species in Siberia
13:45-14:00Toropov P.A.1, Aleshina M.A.2, Nosenko G.A.2, Popovnin V.V.1 (1Lomonosov MSU, 2IG RAS, Moscow)
Meteorological factors of Caucasus and Altai mountains 's deglaciation
14:00-14:15 Victoria Miles1, Martin Miles2 and Igor Esau1 (1 Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre / Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway, 2 INSTAAR, Bounder, Colorado, USA)
Greening and browning vegetation trends in northern West Siberia: Spatial heterogeneity and correspondence to weather patterns
14:15 Short oral reports
14:15-14:20 Varlamova E.V., Solovyev V.S. (Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy SB RAS, Yakutsk)
Study of deciduous needle-leaved forests phenology changes in Siberia
14:20-14:25 Lomov V.A.1,2, Stepanenko V.M. 1,2, Grechushnikova M.G.1,3, Repina I.A. 4,1,2 (1Lomonosov MSU, 2RCC Lomonosov MSU, 3IWP RAS,, 4 Obukhov IAPh RAS, Moscow)
Methane flux dynamics in a valley reservoir according to the results of the field observations
14:25-14:30 Korotchenko M.M. 1, Voropay N.N. 2,3 (1TSU, Tomsk, 2IMCESSB RAS, Tomsk, 3V.B. Sochava IG SB RAS, Irkutsk)
Relief influence on the distribution of the precipitation at the Tunkinskie Goltsy mountain range
14:30-14:35 Markelova A.N., Simonova G.V., Kalashnikova D. A., Volkov Yu.V. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Particular features of long-term variations of δ13C in cellulose of tree rings in closed canopy stands of the Ob-Tom interfluve
14:35-14:40 Nikonova L.G., Golovatskaya E.A. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Estimate of the decomposition rate of peat-forming plants in drained and pyrogenic peatlands
14:40-14:45 Daria A. Polosukhina1, Anatoly S. Prokushkin1,2, Oxana V.Masyagina2 (1SFU, 2Sukachev IL SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk)
Features of carbon photoassimilation by dominant species of mosses and lichens in pine forests of Central Siberia
14:45 – 15:00 Break
15:00 Session 4. Air composition, Pollution Transport and Climate Change. Chair Vladimir Penenko (ICMMG SB RAS)
15:00 Invited reports
15:00-15:30 Penenko V.V., Penenko A.V. (ICMMG SB RAS, Novosobirsk )
Inverse modeling for forecasting and environmental quality control
15:30-16:00 Penenko A.V.1,2, Gochakov A.V.3, Penenko V.V.1,2 (1ICMMG SB RAS,, 2NSU, 3Siberian Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute, Novosibirsk)
Algorithms based on sensitivity operators for analyzing and solving inverse modeling problems of transport and transformation of atmospheric pollutants
16:00 Oral reports
16:00-16:15 Kuryatnikova Natalia A1., Malygina Natalia S2., Mitrofanova Elena Yu.2 (1Altay SU, 2IWEP SB RAS, Barnaul)
Pollen in winter precipitation in the south of Western Siberia
16:15-16:30 Malygina N.S.1, Biryukov R.Yu.1, Zolotov D.V.1, Kuryatnikova N.A.1, Mitrofanova E.Yu.1, Pershin D.K.1,2, Chernykh D.V.1,3 (1IWEP SB RAS, Barnaul, 2Lomonosov MSU, Moscow, 3Altay SU, Barnaul)
Microplastic in snow cover of south Western Siberia
16:30-16:45 Tokarev A. V., Shaparev N. Ya., Yakubailik O. E. (ICM SB RAS, Federal Research Center Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk)
The role of weather and terrain in air pollution of Krasnoyarsk (Russia)
16:45 Short oral reports
16:45-16:50 Starodubtsev V.S., Solovyev V.S. (Yu. G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy SB RAS, Yakutsk)
Study of fast methane variations on the Arctic coast during summer-autumn period on ground-based and satellite measurements
16:50-16:55 Antokhin P.N., Antokhina O.Yu., Arshinov M.Yu., Belan B.D., Davydov D.K., Kozlov A.V., Savkin D.E.1, Tolmachev G.N., Fofonov A.V. (V.E. Zuev IAOptics of SB RAS, Tomsk)
Numerical study of the gases and aerosol composition in the background and urban location of Western Siberia: a case study for the record-breaking hot April 2020
16:55-17:00 Antokhina O.Yu., Antokhin P.N., Arshinov M.Yu., Belan B.D., Davydov D.K., Kozlov A.V., Savkin D.E., Tolmachev G.N. , Fofonov A.V. (V.E. Zuev IAO SB RAS, Tomsk)
The formation of the gases and aerosol composition in the background and urban location of Western Siberia : a case study for the record-breaking hot April 2020
17:00-17:05 Lomakina N.Ya., Lavrinenko A.V. (V.E. Zuev IAO SB RAS, Tomsk)
Distribution of low stratiform clouds and its long-term changes over the Siberia territory
17:05-17:10 Lomakina N.Ya., Lavrinenko A.V. (V.E. Zuev IAO SB RAS, Tomsk)
Distribution of precipitation and their long-term changes over the territory of Siberia
17:10 – 17:30 Break
17:30 Workshop on Weather and Climatic Extremes: Data, Analysis and Impact, WCEDAI
Third meeting
September 11
Vladimir Krupchatnikov's reports are transferred from September 8 to 11.
13:00 Session 5. Extreme Climatic Events, Regional Risks and Socio-economic Impacts. Chair E.P.Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)
13:00 Oral reports
13:00-13:15 Malyshkov S.Yu., Gordeev V.F., Polivach V. I. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Mapping changes of stress-strain state of a landslide slope using Earth’s natural pulsed electromagnetic field method
13:15-13:30 Glebov V. V., Anikina E. V., Shevtsov V. V. (Peoples ' friendship University of Russia, Moscow)
Methods of study and forecast of storm winds on the territory of Russia
13:30-13:45 Kalinin N.A.1, Sviyazov E.M.1, Pomortseva A.A.1, Pischalnikova E.V. 1,2 (1Perm State University, 2Perm center for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring, Perm)
Ice rains in the Urals according to radiosonding
13:45 Short oral reports
13:45-13:50 Kabanova S.A. 1, Musoni W.2, Zenkova Z.N.2, Danchenko M.A. 2 (1 Kazakh Forestry Research Institute, Shchuchinsk, Republic of Kazakhstan, 2TSU, Tomsk)
The selection of Scots pine seedlings’ growth stimulants in extreme conditions of the Northern Kazakhstan steppe zone
13:50-13:55 Kuksova N.E., Toropov P.A., Oleinikov A.D., Surkova G.V. (Lomonosov MSU, Moscow)
Assessment of the use of reanalyses for the diagnosis of avalanche hazard in the Caucasus mountains
13:55-14:00 Mirsaeva N.A. (Kazan Federal University, Kazan)
Assessment of conditions of aridity and humidity of the growing season on the territory
of the Samara region
14:00 Session 6. Instrumental and Information and Measuring Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Study. Chairs Aleksander Tikhomirov and Vladimir Krutikov (IMCES SB RAS)
14:00 Oral reports
14:00-14:15 Sabirova M.V.1,2, Bakanin A.S.1,2, Korotkova N.V.3 (1Kazan Federal University, 2Institute of Ecology and Nature Management, Kazan, 3Chernyshevsky Saratov National Research State University, Saratov)
The use of the modern methodologies for the study of hydrometeorological measuring systems
14:15-14:30 Korolkov V.A., Kobzev A.A., Tikhomirov A.A., Telminov A.E., Pustovalov K.N., Bogushevich A.Ya., Kalchikhin V.V., Kurakov S.A. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Automatic weather station ArcticMeteo. First field test results
14:30 Short oral reports
14:30-14:35 Ivanov E.A., Botygin I.A. (TPU, IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Software tool for the study of turbulence of the atmospheric boundary layer according to measurements with AMK-03
Nasonov S.V., Balin Yu.S., Klemasheva M.G., Kokhanenko G.P., Novoselov M.M., Penner I. E. (V.E. Zuev IAO SB RAS, Tomsk)
Lidar technologies for studying the vertical structure of the optical-physical parameters of the atmosphere over the territory of Siberia
14:35 Session 7. Information Computational Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Study. Chair E.D. Vyazilov (RIHMI-WDC)
14:35 Invited report
14:35-15:05 Vyazilov E.D., Melnikov D.A., Mikheev A.S. (RIHMI-WDC, Obninsk)
Standardization of forms and tools for inter-machine interaction in the exchange of hydrometeorological data
15:05 Oral reports
15:05-15:20 Varentsov M.I. 1,2,3,4, Samsonov T.E.1,3, Kargashin P.E 1, Korosteleva P.A.1, Varentsov A.I.1, Perkhurova A.A.1, Konstantinov P.I.1,4 (1Lomonosov MSU/RCC, 2Obukhpv IAPh, 3RF Hydrometeorological Research Center, 4RUDN University, Smart urban nature laboratory,, Moscow)
Application of Netatmo personal weather stations data for urban climate research, monitoring and mapping of meteorological conditions and thermal comfort in the Moscow megacity
15:20-15:35 Bychkov I.V., Ruzhnikov G.M., Fedorov R.K., Popova A.K. (Matrosov ISDCT SB RAS, Irkutsk)
An approach to digital environmental monitoring of forest resources of the Baikal natural territory
15:35-15:50 Tobias Wolf1, Igor Esau2, Lasse Pettersson2 (1Oslo municipality, Oslo, Norway, 2 Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre / Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway)
High-resolution urban climate service for early identification of optimal policy measures: A prototype demonstration in a mid-size Nordic city
15:50-16:05 Dmitry S. Schigel (GBIF, Copenhagen DENMARK)
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF): open access to biodiversity data enables modelling research
16:05-16:20 Mordus D.P.1,2, Zuev V.V.1, Pavlinskii A.V.1 (1IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk, 2West Siberian Branch FSBI "Aviamettelecom Roshydromet"», Novosibirsk)
Aircraft Icing Nowcasting Technique
16:20 – 16:40 Break
16:40 Short oral reports
16:40-16:45 Okladnikov I.G.1,2 (1IMCES SB RAS, 2ICT SB RAS, Tomsk branch, Tomsk)
Computing core of the software package for “cloud” analysis of climate change and the environment
16:45-16:50 Titov A.G., Okladnikov I.G. (IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Geospatial meteorological and climatic data services application programming interface (API)
16:50-16:55 Berlessova A.1, Konstantinov P.1,2 (1Lomonosov MSU, 2RUDN University, Laboratory of smart technologies for sustainable development of urban environment under global changes, Moscow)
Local climate zoning and urban heat island in Nur-Sultan
16:55-17:00 Perkhurova A.A.1, Konstantinov P. I.1, Varentsov M.I.1,2, Samsonov T.E.1, Kargashin P.E.1 (1Lomonosov MSU, 2RCC Lomonosov MS, Moscow)
Development real-time system for thermal comfort conditions monitoring in Moscow metropolis
17:00-17:05 Garmaev E.Zh.1, Pyankov S.V.2, Tsydypov B.Z.1, Shikhov A.N.2, Ayurzhanaev A.A.1, Sodnomov B.V.1, Abdullin R.K.2 (1 Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS, Ulan-Ude, 2Perm State University, Perm)
The structure and content of the GIS ‘Hydrological and environmental safety of the Selenga River basin’
17:05 Session 8. Future Earth Program and Northern Eurasia Future Initiative Chair P.Groisman (North Carolina State University, USA)
17:05 Invited reports
17:05-17:35 Gordov E.P. 1,2,3, Okladnikov I.G. 1,2, Ryazanova A.A.1, Titov A.G.1,2, Gordova Yu.E.1 (1IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk, 2ICT SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 3TSU,Tomsk)
Web GIS CLIMATE as a step to virtual research environment for NEFI
17:35-18:05 Groisman P. 1,2,3, Streletsky D. 4, Kukavskaya E.5, Henebry G.6 (1North Carolina State University Research Scholar at NOAA National Center for Environmental Information, Asheville, USA, 2P.P.Shirshov IO RAS, Moscow, Russia, 3Hydrology Sciences and Services Corporation, Asheville, USA, 4George Washington University, Washington, USA, 5IF SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 6Michigan State University, Michigan, USA)
Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI), Update
18:05 Oral report
18:05-18:20 Martynova Yu.V. 1, Vargin P.N. 2, Volodin E.M. 3 (1IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk, 2Central Aerological Observatory, Dolgoprudny, 3Marchuk INM RAS, Moscow)
Variability of Northern Hemisphere storm-tracks under future climate conditions in INM-CM5 climate model output
18:20 Short oral report
18:20-18:25 Kakovkina A.G.1, Konstantinov P.I.1,2 (1Lomonosov MSU, 2RUDN University, Laboratory of smart technologies for sustainable development of urban environment under global changes, Moscow)
First results of the research of thermal comfort conditions in the largest administrative centers of the Russian Federation
18:25 Invited report
18:25-18:55 Krupchatnikov V.N.1,2, Martynova Yu.V.2,3, Gochakov A.V.2 (1ICMMG, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 2SibNIGMI, Novosibirsk, 3IMCES SB RAS, Tomsk)
Study of the stratosphere–troposphere interaction from the point of view of the interaction between baroclinic and barotropic ring modes under climate change
18:55 Oral report
18:55-19:10 Krupchatnikov V.N., Borovko I.V., Golubeva E.N., Platov G.A. (ICMMG SB RAS, Novosibirsk)
Analysis of the development of the early stage of relatively stable large-scale weather systems and related phases of Arctic Oscillations under climate warming
Workshop on Weather and Climatic Extremes: Data, Analysis and Impact, WCEDAI
Please, pay attention that the program is in Central European Time (CET)
Tuesday, 8 September
13:20 Welcome & Introduction
13:30 Ana Russo: Hot and dry meteorological extremes in the Mediterranean
14:00 Christian Franzke: Spatial and Temporal Modeling of Precipitation Extremes
Session 1: Monitoring of weather and climate extremes
14:30 Durneva E.A.: Variability of planetary high-altitude frontal zones in the Northern Hemisphere from 1991 to 2019 in the summer and their location during extreme weather events
14:50 João Geirinhas (IDL Lisbon): Historical assessment of concurrent summer drought and heatwave events in Southeast Brazil
10 minutes break
Session 2: Statistical methods for analysis and modelling of weather and climate extremes
15:20 Fedotova E.V., Klimenko V.V.: Empiric approach to forecast hot extremes for energy modeling
15:40 Kharyutkina E.V., Loginov S.V., Martynova Yu.V., Kakurkina O.Yu.: Extreme atmospheric precipitation in Western Siberia based on different databases
16:00 Cherenkova E.A., Semenov V.A. , Titkova T.B. : An empirical method for predicting extreme low winter sea ice extent in the Russian Arctic in the 21st century under global warming (on the example of the Barents Sea)
Session 4: Impact of extreme weather and climate events on socio-economic, ecological systems and public health
16:20 Andreia Ribeiro (IDL Lisbon): Agricultural impacts of compound dry and hot extremes in the Iberian Peninsula
16:40 End of Day 1
Wednesday, 9 September
12:30 Kai Kornhuber: Amplified Rossby Waves, concurrent Weather Extremes and Agricultural Impacts
13:00 Reik Donner: Event coincidence analysis for identifying large-scale spatiotemporal patterns of extreme precipitation and their possible teleconnective drivers
Session 3: Modeling and forecasting of weather and climate extremes
13:30 Sterin A.M., Lavrov A.S.: On the long period trend estimates for the upper-air extreme and sub-extreme temperatures by use of quantile regression
13:50 Shestakova A.A., Toropov P.A., Repina I.A.: Methodological aspects of orographic winds analysis and modelling in the Arctic
14:10 Platonov V.S., Varentsov M.I.: A new detailed long-term hydrometeorological dataset: first results of extreme characteristics estimations over the Russia Arctic seas
10 minutes break
14:40 Platonov V.S., Kislov A.V., Myslenkov S.A.: High-resolution wind speed and waves modeling, and an assessment of mesoscale peculiarities caused by coastline parameters and relief at near-shore Kara Sea regions
Session 4: Impact of extreme weather and climate events on socio-economic, ecological systems and public health
15:00 Garmaev E.Zh., Tsydypov B.Z., Ayurzhanaev A.A., Sodnomov B.V., Pyankov S.V., Shikhov A.N., Abdullin R.K.: Mapping of hazardous hydrological events in the Russian part of Selenga river basin
15:20 Matskovsky V., Semenyak N., Morozova P., Kuznetsova V., Solomina O.: Estimated influence of extreme climate events in 21st century on radial growth of pine in Povolzhie region (European Russia)
15:40 Sterin A. M., Oganesyan V.V.: Assessments of potential damages in monetary terms from dangerous and adverse meteorological events on the territory of the Russian Federation
16:00 Chernykh V.N., Alymbaeva Zh.B., Andreev S.G., Ayurzhanaev A.A., Tsydypov B.Z.: Windthrows in the pine forests of the Tsagan-Daban ridge (central part of the Selenginsky high mountains)
16:20 Valov M.V., Barmin A.N., Tatarintsev S.A., Kolchin E.A.: Extreme climate events as an influence factor on the Volga delta ecological systems
16:40 End of Day 2
Thursday, 10 September
12:50 Davide Faranda: Machine learning in a changing climate: challenges and opportunities
13:20 Gabriele Messori: Extreme events in atmospheric meridional energy transport
13:50 Dim Coumou: Persistent Summer Extremes: Trends, drivers and agricultural risks
Session 5: Spatial-temporal structures and mechanisms of formation of weather and climatic extreme events
14:20 Martynova Y, Krupchatnikov V, Gochakov A, Antokhina O: Variation of atmospheric instability characteristics against the background of regional surface thermodynamic conditions during fall-winter season
Session 6: Air pollution transport and extreme events
14:40 E. Genikhovich, V. Kirillova, V. Nikolaev, E. Yakovleva, D. Rumyantsev, N. Vylitok: Modelling of extreme concentrations of atmospheric pollutants, their forecast and practical applications in Russia
10 minutes break
15:10 Poster Session
Efimova N.V.1, Gornov A.Yu.2, Zarodnyuk T.S.2, Anikin A.S.2 (1East Siberian Institute of Medical and Environmental Research, Angarsk, 2Matrosov Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia) Assessment and forecast of regional risks and medical and social consequences in conditions of climate change
Frolov D.M. (2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) Influence of extreme weather conditions and snow accumulation regime on soil freezing in Russia in winter 2019/2020
Kuznetsova V.P. (Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk, Russia) Analyzing extreme weather phenomena in the context of modern climate change in northern regions
Loginov S.V.1, Eliseev A.V.2,3, Kharyutkina E.V.1 (1Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Tomsk, 2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 3A.M.Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Features in spatial distribution of higher order cumulants of meteorological anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere
Nechepurenko O.E.1, Pustovalov K.N.1,2, Gorbatenko V.P.1 (1Tomsk State University, Tomsk, 2Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia) Correlation of lightning frequency and convective thermodynamic parameters of the atmosphere over of Western Siberia
Pustovalov K.N. 1,2, Gorbatenko V.P. 1, Konstantinova D.A. 1, Nechepurenko O.E. 1 (1Tomsk State University, Tomsk, 2Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia) The comparison of lightning activity registered by different lightning detection systems in the south-east of Western Siberia
Shikhov A.N.1, Belyakova P.A.2, Perminov S.I.3, Moreido V.M.2 (1Perm State University, Perm, 2Water Problems Institute of RAS, Moscow, 3SCANEX Group, Moscow, Russia) Accuracy assessment of heavy rainfall forecasting in the Krasnodar territory with the use of ICON-EU regional atmospheric model
Gershunov A.1,2, Shulgina T.1,2, Clemesha R. E. S 2, Guirguis K.1,2,
Pierce D. W.2, Dettinger M.D.3, David A. Lavers D.A. 4, Cayan D.R.2, Polade S.D.5, Kalansky J.1,2 & F. Martin Ralph M.1,2 (1Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E), Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 2Climate, Atmospheric Science and Physical Oceanography (CASPO), Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 3United States Geologic Survey, 4European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), 5Finnish Meteorological Institute) The role of atmospheric rivers in precipitation regime change in western North America
Sivkov B.A. (Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia) Extreme precipitation and features of their precipitation in the territory of Perm region
Stefanovich A.A., Voskresenskaya E.N., Lubkov A.S. (Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Sevastopol, Russia) Variability of extreme values of bioclimatic indices in the Crimean resorts
Sukhonos O.Yu., Voskresenskaya E.N. (Institute of Natural and Technical Systems, Sevastopol, Russia) Changes of extreme air temperature in the Black sea region
Tartakovsky V.A., Cheredko N.N., and Maximov V.G. (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia) Extreme rates of the temperature according to weather stations in the Northern Hemisphere
Trukhanov A.E., Kochugova Е.А. (Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia) Role of atmospheric circulation in the formation of anomaly warm and anomaly cold winters in the Asian territory of Russia
Volkova M.A.1, Cheredko N.N.2 (1Tomsk State University, 2Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia) Variability of characteristics and conditions leading to the formation of extreme precipitation events in the south of Western Siberia
Vyshkvarkova E., Sukhonos O. (Institute of natural and technical systems, Sevastopol, Russia) Changes of temperature and precipitation extremes in the south of Russia associated with El Niño events
16:40 End of Day 3