G.I. Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Research Computing Center of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute for Monitoring of Climatic and Environmental Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Department of Earth Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences organize the All-Russian Conference and School of Young Scientists with international participation on Computational and Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences (CITES-2025, June 16 - 26 2025 2025, Moscow, Russia). The school will be held on June 16 - 20 and the conference will be held on June 23 - 26.
The School and Conference are held within the framework of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of G.I. Marchuk and 80th anniversary of V.N. Lykosov, who made an outstanding contribution to the formation and development of mathematical modeling of the Earth system in Russia and the world.
Planned conference sections
#1 Numerical weather prediction and meteorology
Section Convener: Prof. М.А. Tolstykh (INM RAS, Hydrometcentre of Russia)
#2 Modeling and analysis of global and regional climate and related atmospheric processes
Section Convener: Prof. RAS E.M. Volodin (INM RAS)
#3 Land surface processes: models, observations and data assimilation
Section Conveners: Dr. habil. V.M. Stepanenko (RCC MSU), Corr. member RAS A.N. Gelfan (Faculty of Georgraphy MSU), Ph.D. V.Yu. Bogomolov (IMCES SB RAS)
#4 Structure and dynamics of geophysical boundary layers
Section Conveners: Dr. habil. I.A. Repina (IAP RAS), Ph.D. E.V. Mortikov (RCC MSU)
#5 Computation and Information technologies for the Earth sciences
Section Conveners: Prof. E.D. Vyazilov (WDC), Prof. E.P. Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)
#6 28th Session of the North Eurasian Climate Forum
Section Convener: Dr. habil. V.M. Khan (Hydrometcentre of Russia, NEACC)
#7 Workshop on the development of a national climate model
Section Convener: Prof. RAS A.S. Gritsun (INM RAS)
#8 Machine learning in environmental sciences
Section Conveners: M.A. Krinitsky (IO RAS), M.I. Varentsov (RCC MSU)
#9 Future Earth Program and Northern Eurasia Future Initiative
Section Conveners: Dr. Pavel Groisman (NCSU), Prof. E.P. Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)
The Program Committee will invite key specialists to make invited presentations (30 min.) on new results and the most promising directions of research development at the plenary section. Preliminary regulations of oral reports - 15 min. The status of the announced report is determined by the Program Committee. Reports of graduate and undergraduate students, as a rule, will be presented in the form of short oral reports (5 min.). Extended materials of short oral presentations will be discussed at the poster sections.
Presentations are invited on the development of Earth system model components, in particular models of processes in the atmosphere, ocean, near-surface and active land layer (including the development of dynamical blocks), representation of uncertainties in observational data and models, and information systems, databases and machine learning in Earth science problems. The Program Committee also welcomes papers on regional interdisciplinary applications covered by the Future Earth Programme and the Northern Eurasia Future Initiative.
A competition named after V.N. Lykosov, an outstanding Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of mathematical modeling of geophysical processes, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will be held within the framework of the Conference. The competition is held between young scientists who have presented in person in the nominations “the best oral report” and “the best poster report”. When evaluating the reports, the scientific level, the degree of completion of the work and the correspondence of the topic to the scientific interests of V.N. Lykosov are taken into account. According to the results of the competition, the materials of the winners' reports will be recommended for submission to the leading national journals: “Meteorology and Hydrology”, “Hydrometeorological research and forecasts”, “Numerical Methods and Programming”, Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modeling.
The abstracts of the papers presented at the conference will be published in the Collection of Conference Abstracts as an electronic resource and presented on the event website.
Presentations of the papers will be published on the conference website with the permission of the authors.
Format of the school and conference
The school will be held in face-to-face format, some of the lectures will be presented to the audience via videoconferencing.
The conference is planned to be face-to-face; online presentations are possible as an individual exception at the discretion of the program committee.
The working languages of the CITES conference are Russian and English.
CITES-2025 events will be held in Moscow: the conference - in the building of the Presidium of RAS, school - in INM RAS.
Main topic of the school: «Atmospheric circulation: hydrodynamic modeling and artificial intelligence».
Leading experts in this field (Academician V.A. Semenov, Prof. A.A. Baklanov, Dr. I.V. Oseledets and others) will give invited lectures, which will provide young scientists with an up-to-date overview, allowing them to focus their professional attention on solving the most demanded and promising research and applied problems.
Practical sessions of the school will be held at INM RAS. The topics will be considered:
Reproduction of atmospheric processes by a non-hydrostatic model with a simplified parameterization block: numerical and physical aspects (Ph.D. V.V. Shashkin, G.S. Goiman)
Machine Learning Methods for Object Identification and Time Series Forecasting in Computational Geophysics Problems (Dr. M.A. Krinitsky, Ph.D. R.Yu. Fadeev).
Selected presentations of the school students with the results of practical assignments will be presented at the sections of the conference.
To register you need to:
- Fill in ALL fields of the registration form on the website (MUST indicate the full name of the speaker!). The desired section and status of the report are indicated after registration, the final decision is made by the program committee.
- Attach a file with the abstract of the report (1 page)
Requirements for abstract files
- Title (with a capital letter, NOT capital letters) - in two languages.
- Surnames, first names, patronymics of the authors (speaker's surname is the first) - in two languages
- Affiliation and its address of each author (mailing address, telephone, e-mail, website) - in two languages. In Russian - the officially declared name of the organization.
- Texts: 1 page in English or Russian for the selection of participants (Word format, A4 page, Times New Roman font, 12 font size, 2 cm margins, single line spacing)
The deadline for abstracts is March 31, 2025
Registration fee
- for young participants (up to and including 35 years old) - 2500 RUR
- for other participants - 5000 RUR
For online participants without a report, the registration fee is not required.
Details and terms of registration fee payment will be sent to the participants after acceptance of the papers.