The CITES-2007 Program Committee is headed by academician V. Dymnikov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Russia).
It includes Prof. H. Akimoto (Frontier Research Center for Global Change, Japan), Dr. Begni G. (MEDIAS, France), Prof. Baklanov A. (DMI, Denmark), Prof. Efimov V.V. (Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Ukraine), Prof. Elanskii N. F. (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russia), Dr. Fazliev A.Z. (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Russia), RAS corresponding member Fedotov A.M. (Institute of Computational Technologies, Russia), Prof. Ginzburg A.S (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russia), Prof. E. Gordov (SCERT, Russia), Prof. Heimann M. (MPI for Biogeochemistry, Germany), RAS corresponding member Kabanov M.V. (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Russia), Prof. Krupchatnikov V.N. (Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Russia), Dr. Sci. Krutikov V.A. (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Russia), RAS corresponding member Lykosov V.N. (Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Russia), RAS corresponding member Mokhov I.I. (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russia), Prof. Onuchin A.A. (Institute of Forest, Russia), Prof. Penenko V.V. (Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Russia), Dr. Pippi I. (Institute of Applied Physics “Carrara”, Italy), Prof. Schmullius Ch. (Friedrich - Schiller-University, Germany), academician Shokin Yu.I. (Institute of Computational Technologies, Russia), Dr. Tolkacheva G.A. (Central Asian Research Hydrometeorological Institute, Uzbekistan), Prof. Shvidenko A.Z. (International Institute for Applied System analysis, Austria), academician Vaganov E.A. (Institute of Forest, Russia), Prof. Zakarin E.A.(KazGeoCosmos, Ltd., Kazakhstan), Prof. Zilitinkevich S. (Helsinki University, Finland).