Each year SCERT organizes international scientific events comprising young scientists’ schools and conferences. Ultimate aim of these events is growing up new generation of Earth and Environmental Science researchers ready to work in this interdisciplinary field concerned with the interaction of processes that shape our natural environment (ecology, geosciences, hydrology, and atmospheric sciences and benefit from inherent closely coupling the areas of e-Science and Earth Science, thus shaping and paving the way for understanding both global and regional environmental processes.
During previous years the events organized by SCERT have become internationally known and acknowledged (see for example praising reports on the educational events organized by the Center in EARSel Newsletter in 2002, Medias Newsletter in 2002, 2004 and in “Science in Siberia” newspaper in 2003). Its reputation is confirmed by the fact of participation of Russian and foreign well-known scientists such as academicians Valentin Dymnikov and V.V. Voevodin, RAS corresponding members Vasily Lykossov, Michael Kabanov, Stanislav Tvorogov, Victor Ivannikov and internationally known specialists Alexander Baklanov (DMI, Denmark), Vladimir Penenko (ICMMG), Sergey Zilitinkevich (Upsaala Universty, Sweden), Gerard Begni (MEDIAS, France), Antonio Palucci (ENEA, Italy), Ivan Pippi (Institute of Applied Physics, Italy), Martin Heimann and Detlef Schulze (MPI for bio-geo chemistry, Jena, Germany), Domenico Anfossi (C.N.R. Instituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima, Torino, Italy), Jean Pailleux (METEO-France), Edige Zakarin (Space Research Institute, Kazakhstan), Arcady Ivanov (Institute of Physics, Belarus), Vladimir Efimov (Institute of Hydrophysics, Ukraine), etc. Many well-known scientists are planed to deliver lectures at coming schools. There are many requests for participation from young scientists of other countries and usually the number of applications is larger than the number of vacancies available.