Siberian center for Environmental Research and Training

First Announcement and Call for Papers

Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training (SCERT) together with the Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS (INM), Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS (IMCES), Siberian Hydrometeorology Research Institute,   Department of  Problems of Information of the Tomsk Scientific Center of SB RAS, the Moscow State University Research Computer Center Tomsk State University and Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics with the support of several international and national Agencies will hold the eleven-day-long scientific educational Event comprising an International Young Scientists School on Computational Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences CITES-2011 with the International Conference devoted to the same topic.

The School focus will be on Regional Climate Modeling but other aspects of informational technologies applications in environmental sciences will be also addressed. The School format tested during several previous CITES events provides both a unique opportunity for young scientists to acquire the firsthand knowledge  from experienced tutors and to present results of their studies at the Conference. The Organizers hope that many fruitful contacts will be established at the Event.

During the first day four general introductory lectures will be presented by leading specialists in the area. Then lecture courses providing deep insight into the theme will be delivered to school attendants during the subsequent five days. The courses will be supported by  specially developed practical training.


The School scientific program will be devoted to the following aspects: Monitoring and diagnosis of modern climate change on regional scale; Regional sensitivity of climate system to small external forcing; Global and regional climate change interconnections; Mathematical and physical basis of climate modeling and regional aspects; Present-day environmental and socio-economical consequences of regional climate change; Scenarios of future climate change and regional consequences; Adaptation and mitigation aspects of  regional climate change.

The Training Sessions will be run in specially equipped computer classes during the same dates in the afternoon. The groups of 3-4 persons with assistance of tutors will be able to perform the allocated tasks on the basis of information and computational resources of the SB RAS Tomsk Scientific Center, Tomsk State University and Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. After finishing the training course each group will deliver a 15-minute report on the results of their work to all school attendants.  To enhance the educational component of the Conference, several additional invited one-hour lectures of leading Russian and foreign specialists on modern problems of environmental computational information technologies development and hot topics of environmental sciences are planned.

Upon finishing the event the school attendants will obtain certificates with the list of the courses taken.

After the School completion, its Attendees and Lecturers will take part in the CITES-2011 International Conference whose audience will be enlarged by a number of prominent scientists. Here the school attendees will be able to present their results and receive new knowledge in the areas of their interest. At the Conference, several additional invited one-hour lectures of leading Russian and foreign specialists  are planned. Working language of the Conference is English.

The CITES-2011 Conference will be opened on July 9, 2011 and run as a sequence of regular sessions (2 days) and NEESPI/SIRS Workshop (2 days) devoted to different aspects of the Northern Eurasia and Siberia regional climate dynamics and its interrelations with  global processes.

The CITES-2011 conference program will comprise the following sessions:

Session 1. Regional atmosphere modeling

Session 2. Regional land surface modeling

Session 3. Regional climate monitoring and modeling

Session 4. Data and information-computational systems for Earth System Sciences

The  NEESPI/SIRS Workshop chaired by  Dr. P. Groisman,  Prof. E. Gordov, RAS corresponding member M.V. Kabanov will include presentations of  recent results within the NEESPI and SIRS coordinated projects. In particular, attention will be paid to forests and wetlands dynamics under Global Change impact as well as to permafrost degradation with special emphasis on on-going and projected processes input into global Carbon Cycle.

The Program Committee will invite key specialists to present invited talks. .  A limited number of other abstracts will be selected for oral presentation. Those who would like to present an invited/oral paper, please contact the Workshop Chairs/Organizers. The Program Committee will recommend selected papers for publication in the Special Issue of a peer reviewed Journal.

The event is organized under auspices of the Russian National Committee for IGBP and its Siberian Branch.

The school co-directors are Vasily Lykosov and Evgeny Gordov.

The power point presentations of the lectures and presented papers will be published on Internet at the special CITES-2011 site and on CD, which will be distributed among participants.

The School and Conference will take place in the premises of the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Akademgorodok, Tomsk. Training Sessions will be run in the premises of the Tomsk State University and Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics.

Young scientists school participants will be selected on competitive basis by the Program Committee on the basis of the filled Application forms and scientific quality of their contributed paper submissions. Among main criteria are professional level of the participant, the number of his/her publications and his/her scientific adviser comments and recommendations.

Conference fee for THE EARLY CAREER scientists will be reduced.

Please note that only a limited number of papers will be presented as oral. As a rule, contributed papers will get a status of poster presentation. Mainly, oral papers will be suggested by the Program Committee and delivered by Invited Speakers. Those who’d like to present an oral paper, please, contact the relevant Session Chair/Organizer.

Hope to see you in Tomsk.

The CITES-2011 Chair,

Professor Evgeny Gordov