Siberian center for Environmental Research and Training

Program Committee

The CITES-2011 Program Committee is headed by RAS Corresponding Member V.N. Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics and the Moscow State University, Russia).

It includes Dr. G. Begni (CNES, France), Prof. A. Baklanov (DMI, Denmark), Academician V.P. Dymnikov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Russia), Prof. N.F. Elanskii (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russia), RAS corresponding member  A.M. Fedotov (Institute of Computational Technologies, Russia), Prof. E.P. Gordov (SCERT/IMCES, Russia), Dr. P. Groisman (NOAA, USA), Prof. M. Heimann (MPI for Biogeochemistry, Germany), RAS corresponding member M.V. Kabanov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Russia), Prof. V.N. Krupchatnikov (Siberian Hydrometeorology Research Institute  and Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Russia), Dr. Sci. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Russia), RAS corresponding member I.I. Mokhov  (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russia), Prof. Onuchin A.A. (Institute of Forest, Russia), Prof. V.V. Penenko (Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Russia), Prof. Ch. Schmullius (Friedrich - Schiller-University, Germany), Prof. A.Z. Shvidenko (International Institute for Applied System Analysis, Austria), Dr. I.Yu. Turchanovskii (Department of Problems of Information of the Tomsk Scientific Center of SB RAS), Academician E.A.Vaganov (Siberian federal University, Russia).