Siberian center for Environmental Research and Training


Potential authors, please pay attention that your abstract should include:
1. Title
2. Authors (Principal author first)
3. Affiliation and Address for Each Author (Mailing address, telephone, fax, e-mail, Internet site)
4. Session chosen (type of report)
5. Four-page report text and 1 page short abstract (Times New Roman, 12 font size, 2 cm margins, single space).


Please pay attention that you may use color figures in your text but they should be readable on black-and-white printing

Please submit your registration form in *.doc (or docx) format

Texts will be used by Program Committee for initial selection of participants. Selected and reviewed reports of participants will be published in the event Proceedings.

Submission DEADLINE: 25 April 2015

Please send your abstract to Mrs. Yulia Gordova, Secretary of the Conference, Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training SB RAS, Akademicheskii ave. 10/3, Tomsk, 634055, Russia. E-mail:  Phone: 7 (3822) 492187, Fax: 7 (3822) 492537.


For current information please see the Conference site  

To see materials of the previous Conferences, visit the site