Siberian center for Environmental Research and Training

First annoucrment and call for papers

     Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, G.I. Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS, Research Computing Center of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics and Hydrometсenter of Russia organize International Conference on Environmental Observations, Modeling and Information Systems ENVIROMIS-2024, July 1-6, 2024, Tomsk, Russia. The conference is held as a part of events dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the 270th anniversary of Moscow University.

The conference will be devoted to the state-of-the-art and usage of modern environmental observation techniques, computational and information technologies for assessment, modeling and mitigation of environment variations under natural and anthropogenic pressure including those caused by the Global Climate Change.  It is aimed at filling the gap between basic science achievements and their practical applications in this domain.

Presentation and discussion of scientific results in priority areas in Earth sciences within the framework of the Conference will allow participants to consider in detail the current trends in the interaction and dynamics of natural systems, identify climate-forming processes and factors, discuss the development of modern climate models and forecast models, their verification and practical application, and also determine optimal directions for further research and opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. Particular attention at the conference will be paid to a detailed discussion of the state and dynamics of the environment in Northern Eurasia, especially Siberia and the Arctic, where climate changes are most pronounced. Being the regions whose potential influence on the Earth System operation as a whole is of importance, these regions have attracted the attention of a number of research organizations. Various international programs are actively working here, one of them is Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI). The research results obtained within the framework of this program have been presented at previous ENVIROMIS conferences.

The conference program, consisting of thematic sessions devoted to various aspects of environmental studies, will promote interdisciplinary collaboration among scientists, creating a basis for the study of the Earth system at the global and regional levels.

The conference is planned to be held in person. In some cases (e.g., travel issues) remote participation is envisaged upon individual agreement with the Program Committee: please contact  Working languages at the Conference are English and Russian. During the Conference Sessions simultaneous translation from Russian will be provided. As part of the conference, a competition of young scientists’ reports named after RAS Corresponding Member V.N. Lykosov will be held.


Planned sessions

Session 1. Monitoring of Climate Changes over Northern Eurasia. Organizers/chairs Sergey G. Kopysov (IMCES SB RAS), Vladimir A. Krutikov (IMCES SB RAS)

The session is devoted to modern methods of observing environmental changes in Northern Eurasia under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, including global climate change.

Session 2Climate and Weather Modeling. Organizers/chairs Gennady A. Platov (ICMMG SB RAS) and Mikhail A.Tolstykh (INM RAS, Hydrometcenter of Russia)

An analysis of the results of weather and climate modeling will be presented, in particular, regional atmospheric processes and regional manifestations of global climate change. Reports will be presented on the use of modern models and numerical methods to improve the accuracy of weather forecasting on various time scales.

Session 3. Development of a national climate model. Organizer/chair Andrey S. Gritsun (INM RAS)

Reports by consortium participants on the creation of a new version of the Earth system model are planned.  In particular, the issues of modeling the dynamics of various components of the climate system and integration of their models will be discussed.

Session 4. Structure and dynamics of geophysical boundary layers. Organizers/chairs Irina A. Repina (IPhA RAS), Evgeny V. Mortikov (RCC MSU)

The session discusses processes in boundary layers of the atmosphere and ocean. Particular attention is paid to turbulent transport and interaction of the atmosphere with the ocean and the active layer of land. The dynamics of stable and convective boundary layers and the interaction of the atmospheric boundary layer with the upper atmosphere are considered. The results of modeling turbulent processes and the development of turbulent closures and parameterizations for Earth system models are discussed.


Session 5. Air composition, Pollution Transport and Climate Change. Organizers/chairs Aleksey V. Penenko (ICMMG SB RAS), Alexander A. Baklanov (WMO)

The session discusses mathematical models and results of experimental studies of the processes of transport and transformation in the atmosphere of various chemical substances having gaseous or aerosols forms. Integrated models of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry will be considered, as well as problems of joint use of models and measurement data, including inverse problems and data assimilation problems. It is planned to discuss the impact of a changing climate on the processes of transport and transformation of impurities and the tasks of assessing risks from the impact of impurities’ sources on the adjacent territories.



Session 6. Response of Terrestrial Ecosystems of Northern Eurasia to climate changes. Organizers/chairs Tatyana A. Blyakharchuk (IMCES SB RAS), Ivan A. Kerchev (IMCES SB RAS)

The section will present reports on research into the response to ongoing climate changes in ecosystems of the boreal, forest-steppe zones and tundra. We welcome reports on the problems of influence on qualitative, quantitative, functional and spatial changes in forest, swamp and mountain ecosystems and their components as a result of increased frequency of extreme weather conditions, aridization, changes in temperature conditions, melting glaciers and volcanogenic disturbances of the stratosphere. It is also planned to discuss the results of studies of long-term changes that occurred in the pre-instrumental period of observations.

Session 7. Carbon in Terrestrial Ecosystems of Northern Eurasia. Organizers/chairs Evgeniya A. Golovatskaya  (IMCES SB RAS), Irina N. Kurganova (Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science RAS), Egor A. Dyukarev (IMCES SB RAS)

The session will present reports on the study of carbon fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems of Northern Eurasia, including researches within the framework of the key innovative project of national importance “The national system for monitoring carbon pools and greenhouse gas flows on the territory of the Russian Federation”.

Session 8. Processes on the land surface: observations, models and data assimilation. Organizers/chairs Vasily Yu. Bogomolov (IMCES SB RAS), Viktor M. Stepanenko  (RCC MSU)

The session invites presentations on observations and mathematical modeling of thermodynamic, hydrological, biogeochemical and ecosystem processes in the active layer of land, including soils, vegetation, urban landscapes, and in-land water bodies.

Session 9Extreme Climatic Events, Regional Risks and Socio-economic Impacts. Organizer/chair Evgeny P. Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)

The session will be devoted to assessing regional risks due to climate change. In particular, reports will be presented on the study of the variability of extreme precipitation, droughts and floods, their frequency and localization, as well as the problems associated with increasing the lead time and quality of weather forecasts, the latest advances in the field of numerical weather forecasting, as well as assessments of social and economic risks in regions exposed to these phenomena.

Session 10. Instrumental and Information and Measuring  Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Study Organizer/chair  Alexey A. Kobzev (IMCES SB RAS)

The session will present newly developed instruments and information-measuring systems created on their basis, which allow monitoring the state of the environment over large areas in real time and transmitting data through telecommunication networks to a single center for processing and archiving observational data.


Session 11Information Computational Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Study.  Organizer/chair Evgeny Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)

The session will be devoted to a discussion of the availability of data and their formats used in geosciences, methods of data exchange, as well as developed information and computing systems for processing data archives. Applied information and computing systems for solving specific problems of monitoring and modeling environmental changes will be presented.


Session 12. Machine learning in Environmental Sciences. Organizers/chairs Mikhail A. Krinitsky  (IO RAS ),  Mikhail I. Varentsov (MSU)

Main topics of the section: solving typical Earth science problems using approaches and methods of machine learning and deep learning. The session focuses on the topics of modeling and measuring the characteristics of processes in the ocean and ice cover, atmosphere, land waters, soil, and the interactions between them.


Session 13. Northern Eurasia Future Initiative. Organizers/chairs Pavel Ya. Groisman (North Carolina State University, USA), Evgeny P. Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)

The session is dedicated to the Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI), where special attention is paid to a detailed discussion of the state and dynamics of the environment of Northern Eurasia, especially Siberia and the Arctic

Practical session


Oral and poster reports are planned. Invited talk will be 30-minutes long (including talk and questions), oral presentation – 15 minutes (including talk and questions). Contributed papers will be presented as short oral presentations (5 min), whose content should be described in detail by relevant posters. Poster should be of A1 format (vertical arrangement).


Abstracts and presentations will be available at the conference site. For those wishing to publish papers based on the materials presented at the conference (please check the corresponding box in the registration form), the publication of the Conference Proceedings will be organized after the event. The Proceedings will be indexed in RSCI. Guidelines and deadline will be available at the conference site.


A number of papers recommended by Program Committee will be published in leading thematic journals.

To register for participation in the conference, please fill in the registration form at

To do this:

  1. Fill in ALL registration form fields (please, indicate the full name of the speaker).
  2. Attach abstract (1 page).

 Deadline: April 5, 2024!

If you have any questions, please direct them to

The conference program and updates will be available at and


The payment details will be sent to registered participants after registration deadline.


Please forward this Call to anyone you think would be interested in receiving it.

Looking forward to meet you at our conference!