Siberian center for Environmental Research and Training


06/21/2019 ENVIROMIS-2018 photos

ENVIROMIS-2018 photos are available at the conference site: link

01/18/2023 Registration on CITES-23

Registration on CITES-23 event is open now at

11/16/2021 CITES-2021 Changes in the program

Dear participants!
Please pay attention that lectures of Dr. I.A. Repina and Dr. N.G. Yakovlev have been reversed 

09/17/2021 CITES-2021 Changes in the program

Dear participants! Please pay attention that the program of the first day has been changed. 

09/13/2021 CITES-2021 sad news

The Program Committee and the Organizing Committee of the CITES-2021 School and Conference on Computational Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences with regret inform of the untimely death of the permanent organizer of ENVIROMIS and CITES events, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, VASILY NIKOLAEVICH LYKOSOV, and express deep condolences to the relatives, friends and colleagues of the deceased.

08/30/2021 Proceedings of CITES-2021

CITES 2021 proceedings are available at:

07/29/2021 CITES-2021

New version of the conference program is available at the conference site. Please, pay attention that sessions will start at 10 am Moscow time.

07/15/2021 CITES-2021

CITES-2021 Preliminary program is availabe at the conference site

12/24/2020 CITES-2019 photos

CITES-2019 presentations are available at the conference site: link

11/02/2020 ENVIROMIS-2020 presentations

ENVIROMIS-2020 presentations are available at the conference site: link

09/17/2020 ENVIROMIS and WCEDAI 2020 Proceedings

Conference and Workshop proceedings are availabe at

06/25/2019 CITES-2019 presentations

CITES-2019 presentations are available at the conference site: link

05/22/2019 CITES-2019

Conference proceedings are availabe at the conference site

01/22/2019 CITES-2017 photos

CITES-2017 photos are available at the conference site: link

07/23/2018 ENVIROMIS-2018 proceedings

ENVIROMIS-2018 proceedings are available at the conference site: link

07/18/2018 EMVIROMIS-2018 presentations

ENVIROMIS-2018 presentations are available at the conference site: link

11/02/2017 ENVIROMIS-2016 photos

ENVIROMIS-2016 photos are available at the conference site: link

09/16/2017 CITES-2017 presentations

CITES-2017 presentations are available at the conference site: link

09/13/2017 ENVIROMIS-2016 presentations

ENVIROMIS-2016 presentations are available at the conference site: link

08/09/2017 CITES-2017 proceedings

CITES-2017 proceedings are available at the conference site: link