Introductory Session
Introductory Session. Why Northern Eurasia and what are climatic hot spots.
Michael Kabanov
Observational evidences of current drastic climatic variations in Siberia
Vasily Lykosov
Modeling of present and future climatic variations in Siberia
Alexander Isaev and S. Bartalev
Russian Academy of Sciences Program on Northern Eurasia terrestrial ecosystem monitoring
Evgueni Gordov, A.M. Fedotov, M.V. Kabanov, V.N. Lykosov, V.A. Snytko, Yu.I. Shokin, E.A. Vaganov, O.F. Vasiliev
Integrated Regional Study of Siberia Environment: SB RAS Step to the Northern Eurasia IRS
Andrey Shmakin
IGBP National Committee approach to IRS on Northern Eurasia