Data and information-computational systems for Earth sciences
Session 5. Data and information-computational systems for Earth sciences
Invited report
Kukavskaya E.A., Conard S.G., Ivanova G.A., Buryak L.V., Zhila S.V., Kalenskaya O.P., Zarubin D.S.
"Fire emissions estimates in Siberia: Impact of vegetation types, meteorological conditions, forestry practices and fire regimes"
Oral reports
Alekseeva M.N., Dyukarev E.A., Golovatskaya E.A.
"Evaluation of the vegetation structure and productivity of wetland ecosystems using satellite data"
Bryukhanov A.V., Panov A.V., Sidenko N.V.
"High-precision laser-based instrumentation system as a tool for assessing impact of various factors on Scots pine fire-resistance in Central Siberia" (partly in Russian)
Sidenko N.V., Kolle O., Panov A.V., Heimann M.
"Monitoring of climatic conditions in forest and swamp ecosystems of the middle taiga in Central Siberia"
Zuev S.V.
"Using of actinometric data to parameterize of cloud forms and types" (in Russian)
Lapina L.E., Mikhaylov O.A., Uspenskiy I.M.
"Factor analysis of data from meso-oligotrophic peatland" (in Russian)
Lapina L.E., Uspensky I.M.
"Assessment of streams of greenhouse gases on a mesooligotrofic peatland in August, 2012"
Short oral reports
Titov A.G., Gordov E.P., Okladnikov I.G.
"Architecture of the Web mapping application for working with NetCDF datasets"
Bart A.A., Starchenko A.V., Fazliev A.Z., Tsarkov D.V.
"Three-layer informational-computational system for presentation of predicted values of urban air pollution by sources of anthropogenic and biogenic emission" (in Russian)
Gordov E.P., Genina E.Yu., Garganeeva A.A., Okrugin S.A., Borel K.N., Chudinov I.L.
"Influence of climatic changes on a prevalence of cardio-vascular diseases in Tomsk: first results"
Mizyak V.G., Shlyaeva A.V., Tolstykh M.A.
"Using satellite-derived atmospheric motion vectors (AMV) observations in the data assimilation system based on LETKF algorithm"
Rogutov V.S., Tolstykh M.A., Shlyaeva A.V.
"The use of ASCAT ocean surface wind satellite observations in the data assimilation system based on the Local Ensemble Kalman Filter"