Modeling and analysis of state of the regional underlying surface and its hydrological regime
Session 3. Modeling and analysis of state of the regional underlying surface and its hydrological regime
Invited reports
Donner R.
"Differential imprints of different ENSO flavors in global patterns of seasonal precipitation extremes"
Stepanenko V., Bogomolov V., Volodin E., Guseva S., Vesala T.,
Mammarella I.
"Advances in land surface hydrology representation in INM RAS Earth system model" (partially in Russian)
Oral reports
Perezhogin P., Glazunov A., Gritsun A.
"Stochastic parametrization for 2-d turbulence simulation"
Short oral reports
Alipova K.A., Bogoslovskiy N.N.
"Mathematical modeling of the underlying surface" (in Russian)
Makhnorylova S.V., Tolstykh M.A.
"Assimilation of screen-level parameters for deep soil moisture in the SL-AV global medium-range weather forecast model" (in Russian)