Modeling and analysis of regional atmospheric processes
Session 1 in commemoration of ac. V.E. Zuev.
Modeling and analysis of regional atmospheric processes
Invited reports
Golitsyn G.S.
"Eddy diffusion in the atmosphere and at the ocean surface"
Dymnikov V.P., Lykosov V.N., Volodin E.M.
"Mathematical modeling of Earth system dinamics" (in Russian)
Efimov V.V.
"Bora in Novaya Zemlya and Novorossiysk: analysis of development conditions and numerical modeling" (in Russian)
Repina I.A.
"Dinamics of boundary layer over non-uniform surface" (in Russian)
Oral reports
Bundel A.Yu, Kirsanov A.A., Muraviev A.V., Kiktev D.B., Astakhova E.D., Alferov D.Yu., Rivin G.S., Rozinkina I.A., Bagrov A.N., Blinov D.V., Shatunova M.V., and Nikitin M.A.
"Verification of COSMO-Ru mesoscale forecasts" (in Russian)
Chernyshev R.V., Stepanenko V.M.
"Model of katabatic wind and its validation over Kongsvegen glacier (Svalbard)" (in Russian)
Blinov D.V., Rivin G.S., Rozinkina I.A., Revokatova A.P.
"Data assimilation system for mesoscale model COSMO in the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia" (in Russian)
Kirsanov A.A., Revokatova A.P., Rivin G.S., Surkova G.V.
"COSMO-Ru7-ART system for a coupled meteorology and pollutant concentrations forecast" (in Russian)
Nikitin M.A., Rivin G.S., Chumakov M.M.
"Use of COSMO-Ru forecasting system for polar low’s research: sensitivity experiments" (in Russian)
Vladimir V. Shashkin, Mikhail A. Tolstykh
"Forecast of polar stratospheric vortex dynamics using SL-AV global atmospheric model" (in Russian)
Yarovaya D.A.
"Modelling of Cloud Cells in the Atmosphere over the Black Sea during the Cold Air Invasion" (in Russian)
Barskov K.V., Chernyshev R.V., Stepanenko V.M., Repina I.A., Artamonov A.Yu., Guseva S.P., Gavrikov A.V.
"Experimental study of wintertime heat and momentum exchange between a lake, surrounded by forest, and the atmospheric boundary layer" (in Russian)
Short oral reports
Platonov V., Kislov A., Rivin G., Varentsov M., Rozinkina I., Ninkitin M., Chumakov M.
"Mesoscale atmospheric modeling technology as a tool for the long-term meteorological dataset development" (in Russian)
Alferov D.Yu., Astakhova E.D., Rivin G.S., and Rozinkina I.A.
"Mesoscale ensemble forecasting using nonhydrostatic atmospheric COSMO-Ru model at the Hydrometcentre of Russia" (in Russian)
Onoprienko V.A., Semenov E.V., Mortikov E.V.
"Model of the White Sea dynamics under atmosphere forcing" (in Russian)
Shestakova A.A., Toropov P.A., Moiseenko K.B.
"Hydraulic and wave aspects of downslope windstorms on the territory of Russia" (in Russian)