Extreme Climatic Events, Regional Risks and Socio-economic Impacts
Session 6. Extreme Climatic Events, Regional Risks and Socio-economic Impacts.
Invited lecture
Efimova N.V.
"Applying mathematical and information technologies for regional development strategy: medical and ecological aspects" (in Russian)
Invited reports
Efimova N.V., Zarodnyuk T.S., Gornov A.Yu., Anikin A.S.
"Prediction of morbidity in the population of urban territories in changing environment condition"
Konstantinov P.I., Varentzov M.I.
"Urban climate and urban thermal comfort modeling approaches" (in Russian)
Oral reports
Loginov S.V., Eliseev A.V., Loginov A.S.
"Estimation of the probability of extreme intra-monthly anomalies of atmospheric values"
Antokhina O.Yu., Antokhin P.N., Devyatova E.V., Martynova Yu.V.
"Precipitation over the Selenga River basin during blocking events over Europe and Russian Far East in July"
Kabanova S.A., Zenkova Zh.N., Danchenko M.A.
"Regional risks of artificial forestation in the steppe zone of Kazakhstan (the case of the green belt of Astana)" (in Russian)
Nosyreva O.V., Barashkova N.K., Kizhner L.I.
"Meteorological regime of the beginning and end of the heating season in Tomsk" (in Russian)
Maloletko A.A.
"Influence of climatic and weather conditions of the Small Ice Age on the operation of land and water transport routes in the territory Altai mountain district in the XVIII century" (in Russian)
Short oral reports
Podnebesnykh N.V., Ippolitov I.I., Loginov S.V., Kharyutkina E.V.
"Variability of synoptic vortex circulation over Siberia in 1976-2015"
Pischalnikova E.V., Kalinin N.A., Shikhov A.N., Bykov A.V.
"Complex forecast of heavy snowfalls in the Urals according to different hydrodynamic atmosphere models" (in Russian)
Nechepurenko O.E., Kuzhevskaia I.V., Volkova M.A., Barashkova N.K., Kizhner L.I.
"Complex approach to assessment of icing zones for Tomsk aerodrome" (in Russian)
Kalinin N.A., Bykov A.V., Pischalnikova E.V., Shikhov A.N.
"Conditions of emergence of strong squalls in the Perm region" (in Russian)
Kostarev S.V., Sivkov B.A., Vetrov A.L., Tiunov V.E., Bykov A.V.
"Synoptic typification of heavy rain events in Perm region" (in Russian)
Kostarev S.V., Vetrov A.L.
"Precipitation prediction quality from NWP model WRF-ARW with preliminary data assimilation" (in Russian)
Ryazanova A.A., Voropay N.N.
"Periodicity of atmospheric droughts in Southern Siberia in the late XX - early XXI centuries"