Geosphere-biosphere interactions and global bio-geochemical cycles
Session 5. Geosphere-biosphere interactions and global bio-geochemical cycles
Invited report
Zuev V.V.
"Influence of stratospheric volcanic disturbances on ecosystem and climate" (in Russian)
Oral reports
Stepanenko V., Bogomolov V., Okladnikov I., Yurova A., Gordov E., Lykosov V.
"Approaches to modeling and monitoring of sources and sinks of methane and carbon dioxide in a regional climate system of Western Siberia"
Raputa V.F., Yaroslavtseva T.V.
"Models of volcanic ash fields reconstruction"
Golovatskaya E.A., Dyukarev E.A.
"CO2 emission during peat defreeze" (in Russian)
Short oral report
Tkachuk S.V., Rubinshtein K.G.
"Bioclimatic indexes for environmental applications"