Data and information-computational systems&infrastructure for Earth System Sciences and Northern Eurasia applications
Session 6. Data and information-computational systems&infrastructure for Earth System Sciences and Northern Eurasia applications
Invited reports
Prusevich A., Shiklomanov A., Lammers R.
"RIMS: An Integrated Mapping and Analysis System with Application to Siberia"
Klimova E.G.
"Computing aspects of an environment estimation on the basis of the observational data"
Oral reports
Okladnikov I.G., Gordov E.P. , Titov A.G. , Shulgina T.M.
"Development of geo-information web-system for georefenced data analysis"
Potapov V.P., Kharlampenkov I.E.
"Use of Internet technologies for analyzing and monitoring the seismic situation of mining in the region"
Rykova V.V.
"Internet-oriented data base of SPSTL SB RAS as an information base of researches on geosciences and ecology" (in Russian)
Short oral reports
Shulgina T.M., Gordov E.P., Okladnikov I.G., Titov A.G.
"Computational module of geoinformational web-system for climate change analysis: method, data and results for Siberia"
Titov A.G., Gordov E.P., Okladnikov I.G.
"Software framework for development of web-systems for georeferenced data analysis"
Kataev M.Yu., Zinoviev A.V., Chmel E.A / Kataev M.Yu., Kataev S.G., Andreev A.G., Bazelyuk S.A.
"Accounting of the relief and spectral reflecting of earth surface in preprocesing of reflected solar radiation satellite data / Comparison of the nonparametric approaches to retrieving of CO2 total content from satellites measurements" (in Russian)
Kilanova N., Klimova E.
"Numerical experiments on the CO2 data assimilation for Siberian Region" (in Russian)