Ongoing Climate Changes over Northern Eurasia
Session 1. Ongoing Climate Changes over Northern Eurasia.
Invited lectures
Groisman P., Soja A.
"Ongoing climatic and environmental change in Northern Eurasia: The role of the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) as a vehicle to accelerate regional research for the global needs"
Zuev V.V.
"Role of volcanogenic disturbances of the stratosphere in global and regional climate change"
Invited reports
Gordov E., Vaganov E.
"Some results of Siberia Integrated Regional Study"
Ippolitov I.I., Gorbatenko V.P., Kabanov M.V., Loginov S.V., Podnebesnych N.V.
"Influence of atmospheric circulation on the temperature regime of Siberia at the time of current global warming"
Oral reports
Zuev V.V., Zueva N.E., Ippolitov I.I., Loginov S.V., Kharyutkina E.V.
"Ozone field disturbances by cyclones over the territory of Siberia"
Gustokashina N.N., Maksyutova E.V., Balybina A.S.
"Natural-climatic changes in the Baikal region"
Tchebakova N.M., Parfenova E.I.
"Possible effects of albedo feedbacks predicted from land cover change to resulting vegetation shifts in Siberia in a warming climate"
Short oral reports
Borovko I.V., Krupchatnikoff V.N.
"Influence of the stratosphere polar vortex dynamics on the lower troposphere thermal stratification"
Devyatova E.V., Mordvinov V.I., Marchenko O.Y.
"Influence of the equatorial Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on the wave activity in the Northern Hemisphere winter atmosphere"
Gustokashina N.N., Kichigina N.V.
"Tendencies of pydroclimatic changes in the Upper Lena Watershed"
Musokhranova A.V., Onuchin A.A.
"Atmospheric precipitation trends on Taimyr Peninsula and Putoran Plateau"
Marchenko O.Y., Mordvinov V.I., Devyatova E.V.
"Differences in the atmospheric circulation for the low-flow and high-flow periods of the Selenga River"
Marchenko O.Y., Berezhnykh T.V., Devyatova E.V.
"Connections between water content in the rivers of the Baikal Lake basin and general atmospheric circulation variations"
Ovdoshenkov I., Mahura A.
"Multi-year air temperature and precipitation variability on the Kola North"
Shishlov V.I.
"Assessment of climate changes in Northern regions of Eurasia"
Shulgina T., Genina E., Gordov E.
"Climatic characteristics on Siberian territory in the second half of XX century: observations and reanalysis based statistical analysis"
Vasilenko O.V.
"Precipitation mode around the Tunkinskaya Hollow"