Northern Eurasia climate and biosphere interrelations
Session 3. Northern Eurasia climate and biosphere interrelations.
Invited lecture
Taff G.N., Fonji S.
"Climate-LCLUC Interactions in Eastern Europe"
Invited reports
Kabanov M.V., Dyukarev E.A.
"Great Vasyugan Mire: Monitoring and modeling of natural and climatic processes"
Kirpotin S., Polishchuk Yu., Pokrovsky O., Kouraev A., Bryksina N., Sugaipova A., Zakharova E., Shirokova L., Kolmakova M., Manassypov R., Dupre B.
"Vegetation response on climatic changes in West-Siberian North"
Short oral reports
Kopysov S.G.
"Limits of climatic changes influence on swamping in basin of River Bakchar"
Propastilova O.Yu.
"Colonization and recruitment of Larix Sibirica on fluvioglacial sediments and on young glacier moraines of Severo-Chuisky Ridge"
Voistinova E.S.
"Hydrochemical regime of raised bog water"
Soja A., Westberg D., Stackhouse P., Jr., McRae D., Jin Ji-Zh., Tchebakova N., Parfenova E., Ivanova G., Sukhinin A.
"Analysis of the ability of large-scale reanalysis data to define Siberian fire danger in preparation for future fire prediction"
Shulgina T., Genina E., Gordov E.
"Climatic characteristics which control Siberian forest ecosystems dynamics in the second half of XX century"
Joint Session with Conference on Control and Rehabilitation of Environment.
Invited reports
Baklanov A., Gordov E.P.
"Man-made risks in Siberia: Enviro-RISKS Project Outcomes"
Kabanov M.V., Ippolitov I.I., Smirnov S.V.
"Concept of network monitoring of environmental and climatic changes in Siberia"
Zuev V.V.
"Application of laser systems in city air monitoring"
Krutikov V.A.
"Development of information-measuring technologies for monitoring and modeling of atmospheric, hydrospheric and  lithospheric processes in Siberian geosystem"
Lagutin A.A., Sutorikhin I.A., Sinitsyn V.V., Zhukov A.P., Shmakov I.A.
"Monitoring of technogenic pollution of underlying surface in big industrial centers in the south of West Siberia using MODIS and observation data"
Polishchuk Yu.M., Tokareva O.S.
"Ecological risks assessment in problems on environmental monitoring"
Bogushevich A.Ya., Tikhomirov A.A.
"Ultrasonic weather stations and their usage for atmospheric processes monitoring"