Air pollution transport and climate change
Session 5. Air pollution transport and climate change.
Invited lecture
Penenko V.V.
"Models and methods for solution of interconnected problems of environment and climate"
Invited reports
Esau I.
"Large-scale urban boundary layer turbulence: An example of large-eddy simulations for a megacity"
Penenko V.V., Tsvetova E.A.
"Direct and inverse relations having an impact on formation of hydrodynamic regime and quality of the atmosphere"
Oral reports
Antokhin P.N., Arshinov M.Yu., Belan B.D., Belan S.B., Sklyadneva T.K., Tolmachev G.N.
"Long-term variability of the ozone and aerosols over Tomsk and simulation of their annual mean concentrations for the next decade"
Arshinov M.Yu., Belan B.D., Belan S.B., Ivlev, G.A. Kozlov A.V., Tolmachev G.N., Fofofnov A.V.
"Blocking role of Ural Mountains in the impurity transport over Eurasia"
Baklanov A., Lawrence M., Pandis S., Esau I., and MEGAPOLI team
"MEGAPOLI: concept and current results of megacity multi-scale impacts on atmospheric composition and climate"
Dubrovskaya O.A., Klimova E.G.
"Simulation of gaseous fire pollutants transport using the ensemble of backward trajectories"
Raputa V.F., Kokovkin V.V., Morozov S.V., Olkin S.E.
"Experimental investigation of snow cover regional contamination processes by cities of the south of West Siberia"
Short oral reports
Baklanov A., Sass B.H., Mahura A., Korsholm U.S., Nuterman R., Nielsen K.P., Nielsen N.W., Petersen C, Sattler K. , Xiaohua Yang, Ashraf Zakey
"Enviro-HIRLAM: Environment - HIgh Resolution Limited Area Model: research and development, technical support and science education"
Balakay L., Mirkarimova B., Zakarin E., Mahura A., Baklanov A.,. Sørensen J.H
"Multi-Scale GIS Modelling: Radionuclide Transport from the Semipalatinsk Polygon"
Belikov D.A., Saeki T., Maksyutov S.
"Application of National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) transport model for global modeling of greenhouse gases"
Galashev A.E., Rakhmanova O.R.
"Molecular dynamics simulation of ozone distruction"
Jaroslavtseva T.V., Raputa V.F.
"Numerical reconstruction of volcanic ashes sedimentation fields"
Kokovkin V.V., .Raputa V.F., Devyatova A.Yu.
"Comparative estimation of atmosphere and snow cover long-term contamination at Novosibirsk Hydrometeoservice net stationary posts"
Mahura A., Baklanov A., Rivina O.
"Long-term dispersion modelling of atmospheric pollution transport and deposition and assessment for middle and northern latitudes"
Mahura A., Nuterman R., Petrova I., Amstrup B.
"Atmospheric chemical transport and trajectory modelling for elevated ozone episodes and climatological patterns"
Mahura A., Korsholm U., Baklanov A., Petersen C., Rasmussen A.
"Birch pollen: modelling, spatial and temporal variability, elevated episodes, potential source regions, emissions parametrizations, and future research"
Nuterman R., Baklanov A., Amstrup B., Karlsson K., Balyk O.
"Minimization of impact on the environment and optimization of energy production/ consumption in Denmark"
Nuterman R., Baklanov A., Mahura A., Amstrup B., Sass B.H., Weismann J.
"Methodological aspects of Core-Downstream Service for European Air Quality Forecasts downscaling from regional to street level"
Penenko V.V., Baklanov A., Tsvetova E.A., Mahura A.
"Application of variational methods of inverse modelling for environmental risk/vulnerability assessment"
Petrova I.Y., Mahura A.G., Dubasov Yu.V., Pakhomov S.A.
"Identification of radioactive noble gases sources in the North-West Russia (Cherepovets Region)"
Rykova V.
"Atmospheric pollution in Siberia and the Far East: information aspects of the problem"
Vivchar A.V., Moiseenko K.B.
"Estimations of atmospheric emissions of carbon monoxide from natural fires in Northern Eurasia for applications in atmospheric transport studies and climate modeling, and assessment of the regional impact of biomass burning emissions with observations at Zotino station in remote Central Siberia"
Ivanova E.V., Kazakov A.L.
"Approbation of a numerical model of the atmospheric boundary layer on the basis of the WANGARA data"