Observational and ICT infrastructure support of regional scale environmental studies
Session 6. Observational and ICT infrastructure support of regional scale environmental studies.
Session 6.1. Ground based monitoring.
Invited reports
Arshinov M.Yu., Balin Yu.S., Belan B.D., Bobrovnikov S.M., Burlakov V.D., Davydov D.K., Inoue G., Matvienko G.G., Machida T., Panchenko M.V., Fofonov A.V.
"Systems and results of aerosol and climatic active gas observations in Siberia"
Krutikov V.A.
"Complex monitoring of modern climatic and ecosystem changes in Siberia"
Kabanov M.V., Smirnov S.V.
"Regional Observing Network for Climate and Environmental Monitoring (RONCEM)a"
Oral reports
Nagorsky P.M., Ippolitov I.I., Kabanov M.V., Multzina N.A., Smirnov S.V.
"Ground-based monitoring of meteorological and electrical quantities (in the conditions of prestorm environment)"
Short oral reports
Belolipetsky P.V.
"Estimating CO2 fluxes over a boreal forest from tall tower mixing ratio measurements"
Bezuglova N.N., Zinchenko G.S., Sutorikhin I.A.
"Application of ultrasonic weather complex for monitoring of town surface air"
Kolotkov G.A., Penin S.T.
"Monitoring of radioactive emission from NPP in real time"
Penenko A.V.
"Estimating thermal diffusivity of soil via an inverse problem solution"
Session 6.2. Space based monitoring.
Invited lecture
Kudashev E.B.
"Conception and approach for development of distributed geoinformation infrastructure of satellite data: system components and interaction"
Invited reports
Maksyutov S., Yoshida Y., Saito R., Saeki T., Belikov D., Oda T., Watanabe H., Yokota T.
"First year of monitoring the greenhouse gases from space with GOSAT"
Begni G.
"Studying cryosphere from Space: background, the US Icesat and ESA Cryosat projects"
Oral reports
Tsolmon R.
"Investigation the dynamics of land use and land cover change using Remote Sensing in some parts of Mongolia"
Kobayashi N., Inoue G.
"Emission of greenhouse gases from wildfires in Eastern Siberia observed from space"
Dmitriev E.V., Kozoderov V.V., Borzyak V.V., Sokolov A.A.
"Regional hyperspectral airborne remote sensing of soil and vegetation cover"
Chernokulsky A.V., Mokhov I.I.
"Comparison of cloudiness from satellite, ground-based and reanalyses data and GCM simulations"
Short oral reports
Kalaeva A.A., Konovalova D.A.
"Landscape analysis of Bakchar bog"
Kataev M.Yu., Andreev A.G.
"Technique of CO2 concentration profile retrieving from satellite data by means of neural network approach"
Kataev M.Yu., Lukianov A.K.
"Information-processing software for satellite signal modeling in global scale"
Larrivee M., Almond R., Taff G., Fonji S.
"Monitoring and Modeling the Spread of the Poisonous, Invasive Giant Hogweed in Latvia Using Satellite Image Analysis"
Shmakov I.A., LagutinĀ A.A.
"Daily maps of the bi-directional reflectance distribution function over the Siberian region based on the MODIS data"
Session 6.3. Information-computational infrastructure.
Invited reports
Klimova E.G.
"Monitoring of environment on the basis of data assimilation system"
Oral reports
Molorodov Yu.I., Shirshov P.E., Min'kov V.S.
"Information system for storing and processing data learning environment"
Gordov E.P., Okladnikov I.G., Titov A.G., Shulgina T.M.
"Development of geoinformation web-system for processing and analysis of large archives of spatially distributed data"
Pushistov P.Yu., Dikunets V.A., Zemtsov V.A., Romanenko R.D., Danchev V.N.
"Decision support systems for water resources management of river basin. The review of methods, models and applications"
Vladimirov I.N.
"Geoinformation modeling and scenario approach in the decision making support system of the forest management of a region"
Firsov K.M., Chesnokova T.Yu., Voronina Yu.V., Kozodoeva E.V.
"Radiative transfer models in the internet-accessible information-computational system 'Atmospheric radiation'"
Short oral reports
Danchev V.N., Pushistov P. Yu., Kirillov V.V., Dyachenko A.V.
"Information system as the tool of research of an ecosystem dynamics of a deep reservoir and its basin (on example of lake Teletskoye)"
Romanenko R.D., Viktorov E.V., Pushistov P.Yu.
"Results of the comparative analysis of sensitivity 2,5D models CE-QUAL-W2 and 1D models Mike-11 at reproduction of a hydrological mode of the river Northern Sosva area"
Sokolov A., Augustin P., Dmitriev E., Delbarre H., Willart V., Fourmentin M.
"Calculation and analysis of forecast error covariance for the regional data assimilation in the costal area"
Sorokovoy A.A.
"Research into the landscape structure of the Baikal Natural Territory"
Titov A.G., Gordov E.P., Okladnikov I.G.
"Architecture of software framework for development of web-systems for georeferenced data analysis"
Titov A.G., Gordov E.P., Okladnikov I.G.
"Web portal for dissemination of remote sensing data for Northern Eurasia"